The 2022 HCHS Eggstravaganza comes to an eggsplosive conclusion with these designs from Mr. Rhoads' 7th period students. Some eggs were safe, some were satisfyingly given freedom to escape their shells. Check out the slow-mo videos to see the greatest egg catapult of the year. There was even a surprise entrant from your Hawks Library staff.
Does every egg survive? Does Mr. Rhoads have enough eggs to take home for dinner? Does anyone know why the eggs were so shiny? Find out below.
To be fair, the Hawks Library "The Eggcelent" was a victim of Mr. W's poor placement on drop #1. X marks the spot, so Y didn't he put it there?
Check out some videos here:
Special award for innovative design:
Our all-time favorite slow-mo replay:
It's a shame about the end result.
Finally, The Eggcelent (2nd attempt):
Unfortunately, this was deemed an illegal build for using banned substances.
All in all, a cracking good time.